Andy Gullahorn plays guitar and sings at an InSpero evening event at the Clubhuose on Highland in Birmingham, AL.

Beauty matters and so do those who create it

We're transforming Birmingham by cultivating its creative community

Welcome to the InSpero family. Check your inbox for updates, and consider joining us for an event. We're looking forward to meeting you! Scroll down for more.
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What is InSpero for?

We believe in restoration, reconciliation, and redemption. We believe beauty is what will transform the world. We believe in cultivating Birmingham's creative community so our city will flourish.

For Artists

“Being an artist can be a lonely occupation. InSpero is an empowering tool. It’s a place to come be encouraged and inspired.”

Adam Wright, Founder, Act of Congress

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You may feel alone or discouraged, and wonder if your work matters. InSpero nurtures artists and artisans by creating opportunities to connect and collaborate in community. We need you, your work, and your voice for the good of our city.

For Participants

“InSpero’s artful ways of practicing hospitality and community are so needed, and I can only hope others will catch the vision they embody so winsomely.”

Allen Levi, Singer-songwriter

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When we fail to slow down and enjoy beauty, life can lose its meaning and we end up disconnected from ourselves and others. InSpero organizes gatherings to inspire people through music, hospitality, story, and art.

For Birmingham

“Artists are prophets who remind us of beauty, truth, and goodness in a broken world. When I hear those words, I think of InSpero's impact on Birmingham. Our artists remind us all that beauty matters."

Melissa Loudon

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We believe in Birmingham. Since our first event in 2013 to honor the fiftieth anniversary of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing, we have empowered creative community to help bring hope and healing to our city.

For the Faith Community

“InSpero communicates the importance of the arts by encouraging local artists, facilitating conversations between pastors and artists, and bringing in speakers to help our community grapple with how we can reclaim beauty and the arts for the church.”

Gisela Kreglinger, PhD, Author and Theologian

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InSpero provides a bridge for the church to reach out to the creative community to better serve our city. We also bring beauty into the church through collaborations with artists and musicians.

For Pastors

“InSpero offers a natural bridge for churches to reach out to artists in authentic mutual relationships where we seek the good of our city together.”

Joel Brooks, Pastor, Redeemer Community Church

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InSpero sees pastors as artists and prophets, sharing their gifts and voices for the good of our churches and city. We help support and encourage you to stay in your story and calling and provide ways for you reach out to  the creative community.

Allen Levi and Andy Gullahorn play on stage to a beautifully decorated full house

For Donors

“InSpero’s thoughtfully planned and well-executed events always leave me thirsty for more. I’m reminded that my story matters and to persevere in my vocation as an artist and employer of artists. My heart is full and enlarged for the greater good of my city."

Susan Gordon, Founder, Susan Gordon Pottery

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We need you to join us in this beautiful story of redemption, restoration, and reconciliation. We believe in the long-lasting fruit which comes from authentic relationships and small things done slowly over long periods of time. Believe with us, for the good of our city.

"InSpero provides rest for my soul."

Testimonial Image

“Whether it’s someone who comes to an event or an artist who needs encouragement, one thing is true – InSpero brings hope and redemption into people’s lives. They shine a light on the arts by loving on the artists who make it. Their saying fits: “Beauty matters, and so do those who create it.” All are welcome at the feast that Inspero lays out, and all are valuable in transforming our city."

Amy Wolnski

Testimonial Image

“InSpero provides rest for my soul at the most crucial moments in my life. Through retreats, events, and dinners they invite me to slow down, be seen, see the beauty around me, and rest – even if only for a moment. These moments give me what I need to go back to the world and my family with more strength and softness.”

Deidre Clark

Founder, Ensley’s Kuumba Community Art Design Academy
Testimonial Image

“Like someone who starts hallucinating in the desert without water, we lose our bearings on what is good and true when our souls are parched. Tasting beauty is what reriorents us and helps us move toward what is good. InSpero continues to offer a cup of cold water in the desert and supports those who provide water stops along the landscape of Birmingham and beyond. Their work is invaluable and a practical manifestation of resurrection and redemption. I love the heart of their work and the beauty they create, cultivate and support!”

Gordon Bals

Author, Counselor, and Founder of Daymark Pastoral Counseling
Testimonial Image

“There is a serious need for groups who are brave enough to offer a gracious middle space – a space where people can meet each other face-to-face in order to discover, perhaps to their surprise, the possibility of friendship, the possibility of healing, hope, and restoration. InSpero is such a group, and I thank God for them. Let me say that again: thank God for them!"

W. David O. Taylor

Author, Assistant Professor of Theology & Culture, Director of Brehm Texas
Testimonial Image

“Over the last few years I have been watching good people like those of InSpero do good work here in Birmingham, seeing themselves implicated for love's sake in the way the city turns out. Their loves, lives, and vision are teaching us important things.”

Steven Garber, PhD

Senior Fellow for the Vocation and the Common Good,
The M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust

Gatherings are the heartbeat of InSpero.

InSpero loves to gather people together in events of beauty, hospitality, art, music, stories, food, and hope. Sign up to get updates in your inbox, and download the calendar so you know what's coming up.

Upcoming Events

There are currently no events on the calendar, but we'll be adding more soon! Get on the list to be the first to hear about events.

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Past Events

Wilder Adkins & Mandi Mapes

September 19, 2024

Wilder Adkins & Mandi Mapes

InSpero Presents Wilder Adkins & Mandi Mapes at Workplay Theatre! All Ages. Table Reservations available.

Wilder Adkins & Mandi Mapes

September 19, 2024

Wilder Adkins & Mandi Mapes

InSpero Presents Wilder Adkins & Mandi Mapes at Workplay Theatre! All Ages. Table Reservations available.

Jess Ray and Taylor Leonhardt Concert

June 26, 2024

Jess Ray and Taylor Leonhardt Concert

Come hang out and enjoy a live concert with Jess Ray and Taylor Leonhardt - it's gonna be a night to remember!

Jess Ray and Taylor Leonhardt Concert

June 26, 2024

Jess Ray and Taylor Leonhardt Concert

Come hang out and enjoy a live concert with Jess Ray and Taylor Leonhardt - it's gonna be a night to remember!

Joint Worship Service at Union Missionary Baptist Church

April 16, 2023

Joint Worship Service at Union Missionary Baptist Church

Representatives of several churches in the area will gather at Union Missionary BaptistChurch in Homewood to listen to Rev. Edward Steele preach and join in worship led by Liz Vice. Because of the size of the church, this will be a by-invitation-only event. This is supported by Homewood Community Church and the Rosedale Food Bank.

Joint Worship Service at Union Missionary Baptist Church

April 16, 2023

Joint Worship Service at Union Missionary Baptist Church

Representatives of several churches in the area will gather at Union Missionary BaptistChurch in Homewood to listen to Rev. Edward Steele preach and join in worship led by Liz Vice. Because of the size of the church, this will be a by-invitation-only event. This is supported by Homewood Community Church and the Rosedale Food Bank.

Step into the story.

May these stories connect you to the heart of InSpero, to the work we've done, to our dreams for our city, and to insights from creatives and influencers from Birmingham and around the country.

“Stories make us more alive, more human, more courageous, more loving" (Madeleine L’Engle).

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April 4, 2014

Come to the Light

Lent Day 28, Saturday, April 5

April 2, 2014

Bright Eyed

Lent Day 26, Thursday, April 3

April 1, 2014

His Tender Mercies Break Through

Lent Day 25, Wednesday, April 2: "And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.”

March 31, 2014

Do You Know Your Worth?

Lent Day 24, Tuesday, April 1

March 30, 2014

Wide-Eyed Wonder

Lent Day 23, Monday, March 30

March 28, 2014

Light It Up

Lent Day 22, Saturday, March 29

March 27, 2014

Turn to the Light

Lent Day 21, Friday, March 28

March 26, 2014

Bringing You Out to the Light

Lent Day 20, Thursday, March 27

March 25, 2014

Are You "In the Dark?" Ask Him for Light

Lent Day 19, Wednesday, March 26

March 24, 2014

The Lord Will Be Your Everlasting Light

Lent Day 18, Tuesday. March 25

March 23, 2014

You Will Be a Noonday Garden

Lent Day 17, Monday, March 24

March 21, 2014

Changing Deserts to Gardens

Lent Day 16, Saturday, March 22

March 20, 2014

Playing in the Dark

Lent Day 15, Friday, March 21

March 19, 2014

He Will Give You Treasures in the Dark

Lent, Day 14, Thursday, March 20

March 18, 2014

The True Guiding Light

Lent Day 13, Wednesday, March 19: "And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground.
These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them. They are turned back and utterly put to shame, who trust in carved idols,
who say to metal images, 'You are our gods.'” Isaiah 42:16-17

March 17, 2014

Into the Land of Deep Darkness He Comes

Lent Day 12, Tuesday, March 18

March 16, 2014

When We Get a Glimmer of His Glory

Lent Day 11, Monday, March 17

March 14, 2014

Shining Brighter and Brighter

Lent Day 10, Saturday, March 15

March 13, 2014

Undone by God's Wonderful Works

Lent Day 9, Friday, March 14

March 12, 2014

Light Dawns in the Darkness

Lent Day 8, Thursday, March 13

March 11, 2014

Walking in the Light of Your Face

Lent Day 7 Wednesday, March 12

March 10, 2014

God Leaves the Light On for Us

Lent Day 5, Monday, March 10

March 10, 2014

Knowing God is for You Changes Everything

Lent Day 6, Tuesday, March 11

March 7, 2014

Hope for Those Hiding from the Light

Lent Day 3, Friday, March 7

March 7, 2014

Fighting Fear

Lent Day 4, Saturday, March 8

March 6, 2014

No Longer Afraid of the Dark

Lent Day 2, Thursday, March 6

March 5, 2014

No Longer Afraid of the Dark... or the Light

Lent Day 1, Wednesday, March 5

March 4, 2014

Easter People: Lent as a Creative Offering to God

Lent: Forty Days to Repent, Return, Refocus and Renew.

February 11, 2014

Art = Vulnerability


January 13, 2014

Reflections On Community - By Faith

This past weekend InSpero hosted our first ever Nourish Retreat.

December 14, 2013

By Faith... Advent

This waiting season of Advent is gently stirring something in me.

November 21, 2013

"Creation Waits" Interview (Sneak Peek)

"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope.." Psalm 130:5-6

October 17, 2013

Rushing Waters

Thy Love Inspires preview As I sit listening to the rain this morning I am turned toward hope, curiosity, and wonder...

October 12, 2013

Naming the Baby

The name "InSpero" reflects our desire to bring hope and beauty to our city through creative community

October 8, 2013

A New Jerusalem

A call to "Mission" is incomplete without a call to Creativity, Redemption thru the Arts, and a Spirit of Hospitality.

Concert attendees laugh as Andy Gullahorn tells jokes in between songs at an InSpero event at the Clubhouse on Highland in BirminghamSinger songwriter Allen Levi imparts some wisdom at an InSpero event in BirminghamA band plays onstage with string lightsThree men discuss artwork at an InSpero eventDeidre Clark speaks solo on stage and gives a beautiful word at the Clubhouse on Highland in BirminghamInSpero founder and CEO Gina Hurry sits amongst her artwork onstageAndy Gullahorn speaks to the attendees of an InSpero songwriting event

InSpero Board Members

We are privileged for the wisdom, vision, leadership, and prayers of our Board of Directors. They guide, support, and advocate for InSpero, and hold us true to our mission to bring hope and healing to Birmingham through nurturing creative community. 

Gina Hurry
Gina Hurry
Founder and CEO, InSpero
Nancy Carroll
Nancy Carroll
Spiritual Director
Lucy Farmer
Lucy Farmer
Founder, Lucy’s Inspired, Social for Locals
jewelry designer
social media consultant
Andy Glenn
Andy Glenn
Senior Vice-President, Insurance Office of America
business leader
Jonathan Mckinney
Jonathan Mckinney
Director of Sales & Marketing, Renaissance Ross Bridge
Mary Madeline Schumpert
Mary Madeline Schumpert
Swim Coach
Dylan Spencer
Dylan Spencer
Founder, ds&co
Chad Stogner
Chad Stogner
Founder, Elegant Earth

InSpero Advisory Council

Our Advisory Council shares InSpero’s vision to help Birmingham thrive through helping its creative community flourish. They advocate, endorse, support, offer insight, and invite others to work with us for the good of our city, our creative community, and our local churches.

Andi Ashworth
Andi Ashworth
Cofounder, Art House America
hospitality artist
William Carroll, MD
William Carroll, MD
Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Otolaryngology, UAB
Deidre Clark
Deidre Clark
Founder, Kuumba Community Art. Using creativity and design for social change.
tedx speaker
Steven Garber, PhD
Steven Garber, PhD
Senior Fellow for the Vocation and the Common Good, The M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Alie B Gorrie
Alie B Gorrie
Teaching Artist
Disability Inclusion Consultant
Andy Gullahorn
Andy Gullahorn
badminton player
Kelly Hulsey
Kelly Hulsey
Landscape Designer, Hulsey Garden Design
Steve Lorenz
Steve Lorenz
Co-founder & Director, MDI, Inc.
Marti Scudder
Marti Scudder
Co-founder & Director, MDI, Inc.